Meet the Curator
"To travel is to discover the unknown, to learn about who we are and what everyone else is. It gives us the opportunity to see the world from different perspectives..."
Virginia has always had a passion for travel, whether just a quick weekend getaway, a month-long trip, or even completely relocating to places she wants to visit. Born and raised in Argentina, she's also lived in Brazil, Portugal, and now Spain, but she's always on the lookout for her next adventure. Her perfect trip would be packing the many generations of her family into a remote villa somewhere in the wilderness, where she can enjoy day hikes and delicious home-cooked meals.
What sparked your passion for travel and how did it become your career?
I get it from my dad. He was always an avid traveler so I was able to travel a lot as a kid with my family and he always took us on amazing vacations. Then when I went to university, I started my degree in international relations but switched after my first year to tourism. It was such a natural and easy decision to make. I think travel planning has always been in my blood.
How many countries have you visited? What were your top 3 and why?
I think 32 so far! I don't know how I could pick a top three, since every one of them was special to me and changed me in spiritual ways. But if I had to narrow it down, I would first say my home of Argentina. It's where my roots are and what my essence is. It's such a wild and vibrant place that's also insanely beautiful. It has such a unique mix of nature, culture, remoteness, and magical people.
My second choice is Greece. It really is a paradise on Earth, but also Greek people are so welcoming and you can see ancient history on display everywhere.
And last but not least would be Peru! There really is something magical and spiritual about the country. Everything from the food to the culture to the people, it's all such a trip.